What Is The Process For Gift Deed In Blood Relation India?

In India, expressing love and care through the transfer of assets within blood relations often involves the creation of a Gift Deed. This legal document allows individuals to transfer ownership of property, money, or other valuable assets voluntarily. If you're considering such a gesture, it's crucial to understand the process of creating a Gift Deed in blood relation to ensure a smooth and legally sound transaction.

Understanding the Gift Deed: 

A Gift Deed is a legal document that facilitates the transfer of ownership of assets from one person, known as the donor, to another, known as the donee. This transfer is typically without any exchange of money and is often done out of affection, love, or as part of estate planning.

Identifying Blood Relations: 

In the context of a Gift Deed, blood relations refer to family members who are connected by direct lineage, such as parents, children, siblings, and grandparents. This distinction is essential, as certain legal provisions may differ when gifting to relatives compared to non-relatives.

Essential Components of a Gift Deed: 

  1. Details of the Parties: Include complete information about the donor and the donee, such as their names, addresses, and relationship. 

  2. Description of the Gift: Clearly specify the asset being gifted, whether it's immovable property, cash, jewelry, or any other valuable item. 

  3. Statement of Voluntariness: Explicitly state that the gift is being made voluntarily without any coercion or pressure. 

  4. Consideration Clause: Acknowledge that the transfer is being made without any monetary exchange and for natural love and affection. 

  5. Witnesses: Have the Gift Deed attested by at least two witnesses who are not beneficiaries of the gift. 

  6. Registration: To make the Gift Deed legally enforceable, it must be registered at the sub-registrar office under the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908.

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Procedure for Creating a Gift Deed:

  • Drafting: Prepare a comprehensive Gift Deed with all the necessary details. You can seek legal assistance or use standard templates available online. 

  • Stamp Duty Payment: Pay the applicable stamp duty based on the value of the gift. Stamp duty rates vary across states. 

  • Execution: Sign the Gift Deed in the presence of at least two witnesses. The witnesses should also sign the document. 

  • Registration: Visit the sub-registrar office with the signed Gift Deed, along with the witnesses, for registration. Both parties must carry valid identification. 

  • Receipt of Registered Gift Deed: Once registered, collect the original, registered Gift Deed from the sub-registrar office. This document serves as legal proof of the transfer.

Tax Implications: 

While gifts between blood relatives are generally exempt from income tax, it's advisable to consult with a tax advisor to ensure compliance with the latest tax regulations.


Creating a Gift Deed within blood relations is a heartfelt way to transfer assets and showcase affection. Following the legal process diligently ensures that the transaction is not only emotionally significant but also legally valid and secure. By understanding the nuances of the Gift Deed process, individuals can navigate the complexities with confidence and create a lasting legacy of love and care within their families.

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